Turnkey Photo Gallery


This page shows the progression of a turnkey starting after the chassis is completed until the total car is finished. There are many detail pictures here so that you may better understand our hand-made craftsmanship and attention to detail. The attention to detail, and resultant pride of workmanship at Unique is our trademark and is reflected in our world renowned reputation for excellence. The car shown is a 427 Model with a 351W (small block) engine.

It has our standard fully independent suspension with Jaguar rear and our custom front end.

Here are some shots taken shortly after painting. The accessories now start to be added; pedals, wiring, lights, windshield, etc.



Here is a completed door ready for upholstery.

The hood, deck lid and doors are painted separately.

Below we see the wiring being installed. 

Next, the body is mated with the chassis.



The wiring is finished, pre-wired dash installed.

All the linkages are connected. 


Next the upholstery begins.

The finished dashboard

Next is the completed trunk.

The door panels are upholstered,

rugs glued in cockpit,

and the seats are installed.

Here we see the steering wheel being installed

The hood is fitted.

The doors are hung, and the wheels and tires are installed.

After all accessories are installed, the car is test driven, aligned, cleaned and ready for delivery.

The finished product, ready to go!


If you would like this in your garage, call us soon for a demo ride!